Treating Sesamoiditis With Shockwave Therapy

You’re feeling a constant ache under your big toe and you’ve just been diagnosed with sesamoiditis. Traditional treatments aren’t doing the trick and you’re desperate for relief.

You’ve heard about shockwave therapy, but you’re unsure how it works. Don’t fret, we’re here to help you understand the science behind shockwave therapy and how it could be your ticket to a pain-free life.

Let’s uncover the potential of this advanced treatment together.

Understanding Sesamoiditis: The Basics

Before diving into the treatment, let’s understand the basics:

Sesamoiditis is a common affliction you mightn’t be aware of, but it’s essential to grasp its complexity. So, what’s sesamoiditis?

It’s inflammation of the sesamoid bones, the tiny bones embedded in your tendons underneath your big toe. There are 2 sesamoid bones.  The one on the inner part of the big toe is called the tibial sesamoid and the one on the outer part of the big toe is called the fibular sesamoid. Each sesamoid is present within a tendon called the flexor hallucis brevis.The purpose of the sesamoid is similar to the kneecap/patella.  From a biomechanical standpoint, it increases the efficiency of flexion of the big toe joint.

It’s particularly common in dancers, runners, and other athletes. But don’t worry! It’s treatable, and we’re going to explore one of the most promising treatments: shockwave therapy.

But first, understanding the condition is key. Remember, knowledge is power!

Traditional Treatments for Sesamoiditis

Let’s delve into the traditional treatments for sesamoiditis, which typically involve rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory medications. These methods aim to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. You may also be advised to use orthotic devices, such as insoles or padding, to ease pressure on your feet. In some cases, your doctor might consider steroid injections for more severe pain.

If these treatments don’t work, surgery could be the last resort. Remember, it’s important to consult with a health professional to ensure these treatments are suitable for you. After all, every individual’s condition is unique.

While these are traditional methods, newer treatments like focused shockwave therapy are gaining traction. But we’ll discuss that in the next section.

The Science Behind Shockwave Therapy

Now that you’re familiar with traditional treatments, it’s time you understood the science behind the emerging treatment for sesamoiditis – focused shockwave therapy.

This non-invasive procedure uses high-energy sound waves to stimulate healing in injured areas. When these waves interact with damaged tissues, they stimulate your body’s natural healing process. They encourage blood circulation and the growth of new blood vessels in the affected area. This leads to faster tissue regeneration and reduces pain.

The therapy doesn’t involve any surgical procedures or medications, making it a preferred choice for many. It’s important to note that while shockwave therapy has shown promise in treating sesamoiditis, it’s not suitable for everyone.

Shockwave Therapy for Sesamoiditis

Dealing with sesamoiditis, you might find relief through shockwave therapy, a cutting-edge treatment that’s been gaining recognition for its effectiveness. This non-invasive procedure involves directing strong, pulsating sound waves into the affected area. It’s believed to stimulate your body’s own healing mechanisms, promoting tissue regeneration and reducing inflammation.

Shockwave therapy for sesamoiditis can be a game-changer if conventional treatments aren’t working. In many cases, you’ll experience a decrease in pain and an improvement in function after just a few sessions. That said, it’s not a quick fix. Healing takes time, and you’ll need to be patient. But with consistent treatment, you’ll likely see a significant improvement. It’s an option worth considering, especially if you’re keen to avoid surgery.


So, you’ve learned about sesamoiditis and its traditional treatments. You’ve discovered the science behind shockwave therapy.

It’s an innovative solution, offering hope for those suffering from this painful condition. With Shockwave therapy for sesamoiditis, you could be on your way to a pain-free life.

It’s time to consider this treatment and discuss it with your doctor. After all, your journey to recovery might just be a shockwave away.