How Do You Fix Peroneal Tendon Subluxation?

Peroneal tendon subluxation is a common injury of the ankle which may cause pain and instability. The peroneal tendons, which are located on the outside of the ankle, can become injured and slip out of place due to overuse or improper positioning and technique. There are several methods available for fixing a peroneal subluxation in order to reduce pain and improve stability. This article will discuss the different strategies that can be employed to fix a peroneal subluxation.

The first step in treating a peroneal subluxation is to rest the injured area by avoiding activities which may exacerbate the condition. Applying ice to reduce swelling and taking anti-inflammatory medications can also be helpful in reducing pain. Additionally, physical therapy exercises such as stretching help loosen tight muscles around the ankle joint, allowing for more normal movement.

Finally, if these conservative treatments do not improve symptoms then surgical intervention may be necessary. Surgical options include repairing the peroneal tendons and better anchoring them in the groove in which they reside.

What Is Peroneal Tendon Subluxation?

Peroneal subluxation is a condition that occurs when the peroneal tendons, located near the outer ankle, become displaced. This displacement can cause pain and instability in the ankle joint, and may limit mobility. Peroneal subluxation can be caused by repetitive motion injuries, ankle sprains or direct trauma to the area. Diagnosis of peroneal subluxation usually involves physical examination and imaging tests such as X-rays or MRIs.

Treatment for peroneal subluxation may include immobilization of the affected area with a brace or cast, physical therapy, activity modification, and anti-inflammatory medications. Surgery may be necessary if there is significant damage to the ligaments or tendons in the ankle joint. During surgery, a procedure to better stabilize the peroneal tendons inside their tendon sheath behind the fibula bone is performed. After surgery, patients are typically prescribed physical therapy exercises to help restore strength and range of motion in the ankle joint.

Early diagnosis and treatment is important for achieving maximum recovery from peroneal subluxation. Physical therapists can develop an individualized treatment plan that includes stretching exercises, strengthening exercises, functional training activities, balance training drills and gait training activities to restore normal function in the affected ankle joint.

How Is Peroneal Tendon Subluxation Diagnosed?

The diagnosis of peroneal subluxation requires the identification of certain symptoms and physical signs. During the physical examination, the doctor may palpate the area around outer ankle to determine if there is any swelling or tenderness in the region. Depending on the severity of the condition, a patient may experience pain or difficulty when attempting to move their ankle or foot. In most cases, with circular motion of the ankle, dislocation/subluxation of the peroneal tendons can be reproduced. This will normally be felt like a “click” or “pop” to the patient. Additionally, imaging tests such as X-rays and MRI scans can help provide further information about the extent of damage caused by a peroneal subluxation and also to see if any other issues are occurring at the same time.

By combining physical examination findings with imaging results, doctors are able to accurately diagnose a peroneal subluxation and determine an appropriate course of treatment.

What Are Treatment Options For Peroneal Tendon Subluxation?

Treatment options for a peroneal subluxation include conservative and surgical approaches. Conservative treatment focuses on reducing symptoms and preventing further injury, while surgical treatment can be either simple or complex. As such, both treatments have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Conservative treatments may include wearing orthotic devices, physical therapy, bracing and activity modification. Orthotic devices such as custom-made arch supports or ankle braces provide stability and improve range of motion in the affected area. Physical therapy consists of strengthening exercises to help support the ankle joint, as well as stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce pain. Activity modification involves limiting activities that are likely to cause further injury or increase symptoms. If there is mild damage or tearing to one or more of the tendons, a regenerative approach could be considered, normally in the form of a PRP injection.

Surgical intervention for peroneal subluxation includes many options. If there is a tear in the tendon(s) it can be salvaged, the tendon can be repaired through a process known as retubularization. If one of the tendons is completely injured, it can be cut out and the stumps will be anchored to the other tendon that is left intact. Usually there is an injury to a structure called the superior peroneal retinaculum which would need to be repaired as well. If the surface behind the fibula is too shallow, it can be fashioned to produce more of a groove for the tendons to sit more securely.

The selection of treatment will depend on factors such as age, activity level, severity of symptoms and extent of injury. It is important for patients to discuss all treatment options with their healthcare provider before deciding on one approach so they can make an informed decision about their care plan that best suits their individual needs.

How Can Physical Therapy Help?

Physical therapy has been identified as a potential treatment option for peroneal subluxation. This condition occurs due to the dislocation of the peroneal tendons.

Physical therapists use a range of techniques to help people with peroneal subluxation. These include strengthening exercises that focus on the muscles around the affected area, stretching exercises to improve flexibility of the ankle joint and its surrounding tissue, and proprioceptive training to help with coordination and balance. They may also use modalities such as heat or cold therapies and ultrasound to reduce pain or swelling in the affected area.

In addition, physical therapists can provide advice on lifestyle modifications that can help manage symptoms associated with peroneal subluxation; this includes appropriate footwear choices and activity modifications. By adhering to these recommendations, patients can enjoy improved mobility and reduced risk of re-injury over time. Physical therapy interventions have been proven effective in reducing pain, improving function, restoring mobility and preventing further damage from occurring in those suffering from peroneal subluxation.

When Should You See A Doctor?

Peroneal tendon subluxation is an injury to the ankle and lower leg that occurs when the peroneal tendons, which run alongside the outside of the fibula, become either partially or completely dislocated. To treat this condition, it is important to understand when to see a doctor.

The first step in managing a peroneal subluxation is to determine whether the injury requires medical attention. Generally speaking, if the pain is severe or persists for more than 48 hours after having done any physical activity, then it is advisable to seek medical help. Additionally, any tenderness or swelling should be evaluated by a doctor. If there are signs of instability in the ankle joint or difficulty moving the foot up and down, then a medical professional should also be consulted as soon as possible.

When managing a peroneal subluxation it is important to pay attention to any persistent symptoms such as pain or swelling that do not improve with conservative treatments. If these symptoms are present, then one should consult their doctor for further evaluation and management of this condition.


Peroneal tendon subluxation is a condition that can cause pain and discomfort in the ankle area. It occurs when the peroneal tendons become displaced from their normal location behind the fibula. The condition can be diagnosed through physical examination and imaging tests such as an MRI or ultrasound. Treatment options for peroneal subluxation include bracing, stretching, strengthening exercises, injections, and in some cases surgery. Physical therapy is often recommended to help with pain management and improve mobility of the ankle joint. It is important to seek medical attention if you suspect you have a peroneal subluxation because prompt diagnosis and treatment may prevent further complications from arising.

Physical therapy can play an important role in managing the symptoms associated with peroneal subluxation. A physical therapist will design an individualized treatment plan to address any strength deficits, improve flexibility, reduce pain, and address any movement impairments or biomechanical issues that may be contributing to the problem. This plan may consist of manual therapy techniques such as soft tissue mobilization or joint mobilizations as well as exercises to strengthen the muscles around the affected area.

It is important to seek medical attention if you are experiencing symptoms of a peroneal subluxation such as pain, swelling, weakness or instability in your ankle joint. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent further complications from arising so it’s best to see a doctor right away if you are having difficulty performing everyday activities due to your condition. Your doctor can then refer you to a physical therapist who can provide an individualized treatment plan tailored to meet your specific needs.