How to Test for Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s neuroma is most prevalent in people aged 15-50 years.

It typically affects women more than men – 87.2% versus 50.2% per 100,000 patients.

According to Mayo Clinic, the cause is mostly the wearing of high-heeled or tight shoes.

How does Morton Neuroma present itself?

The neuroma itself is often mistaken for a tumor when it is actually just a thickening of the tissue between the second, third or fourth intermetatarsal space.

It causes burning pain that can be sharp in the ball of the foot. Your toes may also sting or feel numb. And many patients remark that it seems like they’ve got a stone in their shoe when they walk.

How to test for Morton’s neuroma

If these symptoms sound familiar, it’s time to schedule an appointment with a podiatrist to test for Morton’s neuroma.

How will you be diagnosed?
A simple foot exam is generally the first step. Your podiatrist will gently press on your foot in search of a swollen, tender spot or mass.

To confirm their findings, they may request further imaging tests in the form of X-rays, MRIs, or ultrasounds.

X-rays will help dismiss other potential causes of your foot pain such as foot and ankle fractures.

MRIs reveal soft tissues and are therefore ideal in patients displaying no physical symptoms but whose description of what’s ailing them points to Morton’s neuroma.

Ultrasounds make it possible to see internal structures and can highlight soft tissue irregularities like neuromas.

Morton’s neuroma treatment options

If the imaging validates the doctor’s diagnosis several treatment options may be proposed.

These often involve lifestyle changes such as changing footwear to more comfortable lower-heeled shoes featuring broader toe boxes.

If the neuroma requires urgent intervention, however, then corticosteroid injections or even surgery will be recommended.

Discuss your concerns with a podiatrist

Do you have any questions about how to test for Morton’s Neuroma? Dr. Lonny Nodelman and the team over at District Foot and Ankle are here to help. Request your appointment today.

Looking for more insight? Check out our previous posts:
Morton’s Neuroma – Nerve Pain in the Ball of the Foot?
Morton’s Neuroma
Treating Morton’s Neuroma

Disclaimer: Any information provided in this blog is not intended to replace medical advice given by qualified professionals.